segysak - CLIΒΆ

segysak offers an interface on the command line to inspect SEG-Y files and to convert between data formats.


Usage: segysak [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The SEGY Swiss Army Knife (segysak) is a tool for managing segy data. It
  can read and dump ebcidc headers, scan trace headers, convert SEGY to
  SEISNC and vice versa

  -v, --version  Print application version name
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  convert  Convert file between SEGY and NETCDF (direction is guessed or

  ebcidc   Print SEGY EBCIDC header
  scan     Scan trace headers and print value ranges
  scrape   Scrape the file meta information and output it to text file.

segysak ebcidc

Usage: segysak ebcidc [OPTIONS] FILENAME

  Print SEGY EBCIDC header

  --help  Show this message and exit.

segysak scan

Usage: segysak scan [OPTIONS] FILENAME

  Scan trace headers and print value ranges

  -m, --max-traces INTEGER  Number of traces to scan
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

segysak scrape

Usage: segysak scrape [OPTIONS] [FILENAME]...

  Scrape the file meta information and output it to text file.

  If no options are specified both will be output. The output file will be
  <filename>.txt for the EBCIDC and <filename>.csv for trace headers.

  The trace headers can be read back into Python using
  pandas.read_csv(<filename>.csv, index_col=0)

  -e, --ebcidc         Output the text header
  -h, --trace-headers  Output the trace headers to csv
  --help               Show this message and exit.

segysak convert

Usage: segysak convert [OPTIONS] INPUT_FILE

  Convert file between SEGY and NETCDF (direction is guessed or can be made
  explicit with the --output-type option)

  -o, --output-file TEXT       Output file name
  -il, --iline INTEGER         Inline byte location
  -xl, --xline INTEGER         Crossline byte location
  -x, --cdpx INTEGER           CDP X byte location
  -y, --cdpy INTEGER           CDP Y byte location
  --crop INTEGER...            Crop the input volume providing 4 parameters:
                               minil maxil minxl maxxl

  --output-type [SEGY|NETCDF]  Explicitly state the desired output file type
                               by chosing one of the options

  -d, --dimension TEXT         Data dimension (domain) to write out, will
                               default to TWT or DEPTH. Only used for writing
                               to SEGY.

  --help                       Show this message and exit.