API reference

This page provides an auto-generated summary of segysak’s API. For more details and examples, refer to the relevant chapters in the main part of the documentation.

SEG-Y Files

Inspecting SEG-Y data files

segy_header_scrape(segyfile[, partial_scan, …])

Scape all data from segy trace headers

segy_bin_scrape(segyfile, **segyio_kwargs)

Scrape binary header

segy_header_scan(segyfile[, …])

Perform a scan of the segy file headers and return ranges.

get_segy_texthead(segyfile[, ext_headers, …])

Return the ebcidc

Loading & Converting SEG-Y data files

segy_loader(segyfile[, cdp, iline, xline, …])

Load SEGY file into xarray.Dataset

segy_converter(segyfile, ncfile[, cdp, …])

Convert SEGY data to NetCDF4 File


Return common bytes position kwargs_dict for segy_loader and segy_converter.

Modifying and Creating Text Headers

put_segy_texthead(segyfile, ebcidc[, …])


Returns a simple default textual header dictionary.

Writing SEG-Y files

segy_writer(seisnc, segyfile[, …])

Convert siesnc format (NetCDF4) to SEGY.


Return common bytes position variable_dict for segy_writer.

SEISNC Operations

Opening and Saving seisnc Files

open_seisnc(seisnc, **kwargs)

Load from netcdf4 with seisnc specs.

Functions which operate on seisnc objects

coordinate_df(seisnc[, coord, extras, …])

From an xarray seisnc quickly create iline and xline df.

Creating empty seisnc volumes

create3d_dataset(dims[, first_sample, …])

Create a regular 3D seismic dataset from basic grid geometry with optional offset dimension for pre-stack data.

create2d_dataset(dims[, first_sample, …])

Create a regular 2D seismic dataset from basic geometry.

create_seismic_dataset([twt, depth, cdp, …])

Create a blank seismic dataset by setting the dimension sizes (d#) or by passing arrays for known dimensions.

segysak xarray accessor modules




xarray.Dataset.seisio queries

SeisIO.to_netcdf(seisnc, **kwargs)

Output to netcdf4 with specs for seisnc.




Returns True if the dataset is 2D peformant else False


Returns True if the dataset is 2D peformant and has offset or angle else False


Returns True if the dataset is 3D peformant else False


Returns True if the dataset is 3D peformant and has offset or angle else False


Check if seisnc volume is in twt


Check if seisnc volume is in depth


Check if empty


Create a new dataset with the same attributes and coordinates and dimensions but with data filled by zeros.


Return measurement_system if present, else None


Fills NaN cdp locations by fitting known cdp x and y values to the local grid using a planar surface relationshipt.

seisnc data tools


Create a new dataset with the same attributes and coordinates and dimensions but with data filled by zeros.


Calculate the corner points of the geometry or end points of a 2D line.

seisnc sampling operations

SeisGeom.xysel(cdp_x, cdp_y[, method])

Select data at x and y coordinates

SeisGeom.interp_line(cdpx, cdpy[, extra, …])

Select data at x and y coordinates

SeisGeom.surface_from_points(points, attr[, …])

Sample a 2D point set with an attribute (like Z) to the seisnc geometry using interpolation.

seisnc plotting functions


Plot survey bbounding box to a new or existing axis