
segysak.segy.segy_writer(seisnc, segyfile, trace_header_map=None, il_chunks=None, dimension=None, silent=False, use_text=False)

Convert siesnc format (NetCDF4) to SEGY.

  • seisnc (xarray.Dataset, string) – The input SEISNC file either a path or the in memory xarray.Dataset

  • segyfile (string) – The output SEG-Y file

  • trace_header_map (dict, optional) – Defaults to None. A dictionary of seisnc variables and byte locations. The variable will be written to the trace headers in the assigned byte location. By default CMP=23, cdp_x=181, cdp_y=185, iline=189, xline=193.

  • il_chunks (int, optional) – The size of data to work on - if you have memory limitations. Defaults to 10. This is primarily used for large 3D and ignored for 2D data.

  • dimension (str) – Data dimension to output, defaults to ‘twt’ or ‘depth’ whichever is present

  • silent (bool, optional) – Turn off progress reporting. Defaults to False.

  • use_text (bool, optional) – Use the seisnc text for the EBCIDC output. This text usally comes from the loaded SEG-Y file and may not match the segysak SEG-Y output. Defaults to False and writes the default segysak EBCIDC